February Birthdays
Although February is the shortest month of the year, it is the month that has the most birthdays of historic Michigan Supreme Court justices — 12.
John McDonald was born on this date (Feb. 8) in 1865 and joined the Court by appointment at age 57. He served from March 29, 1922 through December 31, 1933, and was succeeded on the Court by George Bushnell. You can read his biography here and his memorial here.
Also born on this date was Franz Kuhn in 1872. Justice Kuhn was appointed to the Court at age 40 by Governor Chase Osborn to replace Charles Blair (son of war governor Austin Blair). Justice Kuhn served until 1919 when he resigned to become president of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company.
He died in 1926. You can read his memorial here. His biography is here.