Former Chief Justice Maura D. Corrigan – Official Portrait Commission

Former Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Maura D. Corrigan will hold her portrait unveiling ceremony on June 14, 2023, at the Hall of Justice.

The SoMaura Corriganciety maintains a comprehensive collection of individual portraits of the justices dating back to the nineteenth century. It is one of the most complete sets of state Supreme Court portraits in the nation.

A group has begun the process of securing funding for the portrait unveiling. The suggested minimum donation is $100, although donations of any amount are welcome. Donations of $150 or more entitle individual donors to a one-year membership in the Society. You can make a contribution via and indicate in the “add a note” section that it is for Justice Corrigan’s portrait. Checks can be sent to the Society at MSCHS, 3rd Floor Hall of Justice, 925 W. Ottawa Street, Lansing, MI 48915, and should indicate that it is for the Corrigan portrait fund. Questions should be directed to Lynn Seaks.

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